How Portal End-users Create Tickets

The following describes how Self-serve User Portal end-users can create tickets:

  1. Log into the Self-serve User Portal to display the My Tickets page.
  2. At the top of the screen click on Submit Ticket.
  3. The New Ticket page is displayed:

    Your name and email address and default Ticket Queue and Ticket Priority have been added to the form automatically.

  4. Add the ticket details and upload a file if it will help resolve the issue.
  5. Click Submit to submit the request.
  6. Note - The request will be routed to the necessary queue and, depending on how this is set up in Service Desk, will be allocated to the relevant Staff Agent to process.
  7. The My Tickets page is redisplayed with confirmation that the ticket has been created. The new ticket is listed in the Awaiting Staff Response list.

Unless otherwise configured you will receive an email confirmation containing a Ticket ID and a Ticket key - you need both of these to track your ticket.